Special tools are special tools that are manufactured according to individual customer requirements. They are primarily used when a production task can no longer be accomplished with standard tools. This is the case, for example, if the machining task is too complex for standard tools or if smaller cycle times are required. In practice, several tools must then be used, which results in longer downtimes, more wear and a higher susceptibility to errors.
A special tool is an alternative in this case. These are tools that are specially manufactured for individual requirements. They can be a mixture of different tools, for example, which can be used to perform several operations without downtime. However, there are also special tools for individual work steps whose geometries are equipped with special extras. Special tools made of different materials such as carbide can also be manufactured to meet customer requirements.
Due to their practically limitless variety of shapes, special milling cutters are mainly used where complex milling and drilling processes and high cutting speeds are required. A common area of application for
drilling tools, in addition to countersinking tools, is
step drills, for example. Here, a special tool saves a great deal of time because all steps can be produced in one operation and because they have a very long service life with high-performance materials. Another area of application is, for example, reaming and forming tools, with which certain geometries and shapes can be produced in a single operation.